Custom Screen

You can add a custom screen to end-user BindID flows, which can be used to inform users about logging in to or using your application, for example, information about biometric authentication. To configure when the intro screen is displayed, go to the Branding > Custom Screen tab and select one these options:

  • Start of every flow: The custom screen is displayed to users at the start of every BindID authentication flow.
  • Start of only registration flows: The custom screen is only displayed to users at the start of BindID authentication flows when an unregistered device is used and the /authorize request's login_hint field does not contain a registered user's email address.
  • Never: The custom screen is never displayed.

To customize the look and feel of the screen, modify the Screen title field and the its HTML in the code editor. The default HTML code contains class attributes for the screen's title, body text, a more information link, and BindID procedure steps and icons. If you have more than one BindID application, select the application for which you are customizing the screen from the drop-down list at the top of the page.

Important: The HTML code used in the template cannot include scripts, inline styles, forms, or iframe tags. Additionally, the custom screen can only use the images specified in the default HTML code.

To preview the custom screen, click Test it after making your changes. When you have finalized the screen, click Save changes.