Admin Logs API

Gets a list of admin events.

Important: This is a beta version of the API and there may be breaking changes in future releases.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a GET request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Parameters

fromTimeRequired. Time from which admin events are retrieved (inclusive), in unix-epoch milliseconds.Number
toTimeRequired. Time to which admin events are retrieved (exclusive), in unix-epoch milliseconds. The maximum value between the fromTime and toTime cannot be more than 30 days.Number
skipOptional. Determines the number of events which are not retrieved, starting from the newest events. Allowed values are from 0 to 1000. When the field is not specified, the value defaults to 0.Number
takeOptional. Limits the number of events returned in a single response. Allowed values are from 1 to 500. When the field is not specified, the value defaults to 300.Number
credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String

Request Example

GET /api/vbeta/mgmt/admin-logs?
Authorization: Bearer q5fDE10-mlM4xEwl_UnhKjhvWOLHEbXqzJOYpGgxuB0

Response Headers

The response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
dataObject containing admin event
statusIndicates call success.String

data Object

Field NameDescriptionType
countThe number of returned admin events.Number
eventsArray containing the returned admin events.Array of events
totalThe total number of admin events found during the specified timeframe (including events that were not retrieved).Number

events Object

Field NameDescriptionType
activityTypeIndicates the type of event that was created (see activityType Values).String
adminEmailEmail address of the admin who created the event.String
clientIpIP address of the device on which the event was created.String
dataObject containing event-specific data (see activityType Values).data
idUnique event ID.String
sessionIdID of the session during which the event was created.String
tenantIdID of the tenant.String
timestampTime the event occurred, in unix-epoch milliseconds.String

activityType Values

ValueDescriptionEvent-specific data Object Fields
administrator_block_user_deviceAn admin blocked a user’s device.deviceId (string), the blocked device's ID; userId(string), the ID of the user who registered with the blocked device; allowAccess (Boolean), indicates the device is blocked.
administrator_create_api_credentialAn admin created a new API credential.clientId (string), the new API credential ID.
administrator_create_applicationAn admin created a new application.appId (string), the new application's ID; appName (string), the new application's name.
administrator_create_risk_ruleAn admin created a new risk rule.ruleType (string), the risk rule type.
administrator_enter_tenantAn admin successfully logged in to a tenant or switched to a different tenant.isTenantSwitch (Boolean), indicates when an admin switched to a different tenant.
administrator_export_event_dataAn admin exported multiple events in a csv file or a single event's raw data (JSON).multipeEvents (Boolean), true when multiple events are exported in a csv file; flowId (string), ID of the exported event - only listed when a single event's raw data is exported.
administrator_leave_tenantAn admin logged out from a tenant or switched to a different tenant.isTenantSwitch (Boolean), indicates when an admin switched to a different tenant.
administrator_remove_admin_accountAn admin was (string), the email address of the removed admin.
administrator_remove_applicationAn admin removed an application.appId (string), the removed application's ID; appName (string), the removed application's name.
administrator_remove_risk_ruleAn admin removed a risk rule.ruleType (string), the risk rule type.
administrator_revoke_api_credentialAn admin revoked an API credential.clientId (string), the revoked API credential ID.
administrator_tenant_invitationAn admin email invitation was (string), the email address to which the invitation was sent.
administrator_tenant_invitation_status_approvedA new admin was approved. 
administrator_update_applicationAn admin updated an application's settings.diff (string), a diff representation of changes made to the application's settings.
administrator_update_branding_authenticationAn admin updated the branding of the authentication pages.diff (string), a diff representation of changes made to the authentication branding.
administrator_update_branding_email_templateAn admin updated an email template.diff (string), a diff representation of changes made to the email template.
administrator_update_general_settingsAn admin updated a tenant's settings.diff (string), a diff representation of changes made to the tenant's settings.
administrator_update_risk_ruleAn administrator updated a risk rule.diff (string), a diff representation of changes made to the rule.
expired_invitation_consumptionAn admin failed to log in because the email invitation expired.

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success",
"data": {
"total": 4,
"count": 2,
"events": [
"clientIp": "",
"sessionId": "IpsH6WP0mQifKT4G-iKCrRLKhEJOWiXv;io2MsxL64j1UDKF+8qVuN6WnMS60Cbn0Gw0mzQwvvGo=",
"adminEmail": "",
"data": {
"appId": "5655b11d",
"appName": "My App"
"activityType": "administrator_create_application",
"tenantId": "5fa4fa3a-ae0f-4ffa-9679-378071427da7",
"timestamp": 1640687947893,
"id": "pM-fAH4BtuuHXu_mUHiI"
"clientIp": "",
"sessionId": "IpsH6WP0mQifKT4G-iKCrRLKhEJOWiXv;io2MsxL64j1UDKF+8qVuN6WnMS60Cbn0Gw0mzQwvvGo=",
"adminEmail": "",
"data": {
"diff": " {\n clients: [\n {\n- name: \"\"\n+ name: \"My Client\"\n- state: null\n+ state: \"new\"\n- smartBannerConfig: null\n- fallbackAuthMethod: null\n+ fallbackAuthMethod: \"device_only\"\n }\n ]\n- description: null\n+ description: \"\"\n- isKycEnabled: null\n+ isKycEnabled: false\n }\n"
"activityType": "administrator_update_application",
"tenantId": "5fa4fa3a-ae0f-4ffa-9679-378071427da7",
"timestamp": 1640687967589,
"id": "pc-fAH4BtuuHXu_mnXhw"