CIBA Authentication API

This API is used to initiate the OIDC Client Initiated Backchannel Authentication Flow (CIBA). This allows service providers to perform out-of-band authentication, such as for authentication flows initiated by IVR systems or Call Centers.

Additionally, service providers can use the CIBA API to receive a direct link for use in native desktop to mobile authentication flows, instead of sending end users to the BindID QR screen to authenticate. When calling the API to receive a direct link, the response contains an authentication link that can be encoded as a QR code and displayed to the end user in a native application.

CIBA authentication can be requested by sending a POST request to the /authorize_ciba endpoint. The status of links sent to end users and authentication results can be retrieved in one of these ways:

  • Poll mode: polling the /token endpoint (see Token API).
  • Ping mode: BindID sends a notification to the endpoint specified for the client in the Admin Portal.

HTTP Request

The /authorize_ciba endpoint is available on the BindID Service at:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Headers

The request must include the following HTTP header:

Header NameDescription
Content-TypeMust be set to application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Request Body

The body for this POST request is a Form Serialization, with the following fields:

Field NameDescriptionType
client_idRequired. Client identifier issued to the client that requested the authorization.String
client_notification_tokenRequired for CIBA ping mode. Bearer token used by the client to authenticate CIBA ping notifications (Authorization request header).String
client_secretRequired. Client secret provided to the client that requested the authorization.String
scopeRequired. Set of scopes that will include additional information in the ID Token Claims. If needed, users will be asked for the relevant consent. Available options: openid (mandatory), bindid_network_info, phone and email.String
channelRequired. Object containing either a phone number for SMS flows or an indication that a direct link is requested for a native desktop-to-mobile authentication
acr_valuesOptional. Requested ACR values, specified as a space-separated string. Available options: (to require a verified email address) and ts.bindid.iac.phone_number (to require a verified phone number). Equivalent to the verifications parameter of the authenticate() SDK call.String
claimsOptional. Object containing claims to return in the ID token (only id_token is supported). The structure is per the OIDC Standard. These claims are supported: bindid_psd2_transaction - for transaction signing requests; bindid_approval - for custom BindID approval
login_hintOptional. Hint for the user’s login identifier (e.g., email). Currently, only email is supported.String
bound_toOptional. Used to require an authenticating device that was previously confirmed for the specified user (e.g., for step-up authentication). A confirmed device is a device bound to the Client Application for the user (via /session-feedback API), as reflected in the ID token by the ts.bindid.app_bound_cred ACR value. This parameter should specify the user identifier in the following format: [identifierType]:[identifierValue], where [identifierType] can either be alias (user alias) or sub (subject of the ID token). Equivalent to boundTo parameter of the authenticate() SDK call.String
binding_messageOptional. Custom message to present on the consent screens, which provides details for the authentication context.String
ui_localesOptional. Preferred languages for the user interface, specified as a space-separated list of language tag values [RFC5646], ordered by preference.String

channel Object

Here is the structure of the channel object:

typeRequired. Either direct_link for direct link flows, or sms for SMS flows.String
targetOptional. For SMS flows, the target phone number (including the leading +) to which the link for CIBA authentication should be sent.String
user_link_custom_messageOptional. For SMS flows, a message presented to the end user in the SMS before the link to initiate the authentication flow. Default is "To verify it's you, click this link".String

claims Object

Here is the structure of value when requesting any type of claim:

display_dataRequired. Object containing data displayed to the user as part of the approval request, as described below.Object
additional_dataOptional. Additional data about the approval request that is not displayed to the user but returned in the ID token.Object

bindid_psd2_transaction Claim

Here is the structure of the display_data object for value for a bindid_psd2_transaction claim:

payeeRequired. Requested payment recipient.String
payment_amountRequired. Requested payment amount, including the currency symbol (such as $100.50).String
payment_methodRequired. Requested payment method (such as Acme Card).String

Here is an example of the structure of a bindid_psd2_transaction claims object:

"id_token": {
"bindid_psd2_transaction": {
"essential": true,
"value": {
"display_data": {
"payee": "Acme",
"payment_amount": "$100",
"payment_method": "Acme Card"

bindid_approval Claim

Here is the structure of the display_data object for value for a bindid_approval claim:

main_attributeOptional. Object containing the main attribute of the approval request, which is emphasized in the UI consent screen. It contains these fields: label (required, string) and value (required, string).Object
attributesRequired. Array of attributes displayed to the user as part of the approval request, used to provide authentication context details. Each array element has these fields: label (required, string), value (required, string), and icon (optional, string, see below). When the icon field is not specified, the Payment icon is used. The array can contain a maximum of two elements.Array of objects

icon Field Values

The icon field can contain these values:


Here is an example of the structure of a bindid_approval claims object:

"id_token": {
"bindid_approval": {
"essential": true,
"value": {
"display_data": {
"main_attribute": {
"label": "Account name",
"value": "ACME Suppliers"
"attributes": [
"label": "Bank name",
"value": "Big Bank",
"icon": "Contract"
"label": "Account number",
"value": "123456",
"icon": "Id"

Request Example

Here's an example of an /authorize_ciba request for an SMS flow using polling mode:

POST /authorize_ciba HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Here's an example of an /authorize_ciba request for a direct link flow using polling mode:

POST /authorize_ciba HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Here's an example of an /authorize_ciba request for an SMS flow using ping mode:

POST /authorize_ciba HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Response Headers

The response includes the following HTTP headers:

Header NameDescription
Content-TypeReturns application/json
Cache-ControlReturns no-store

Response Body

The JSON object in the body contains the fields described below:

Field NameDescriptionType
auth_req_idUnique identifier to identify the authentication or transaction signing request, as per CIBA standard. This is used for polling requests to the /token endpoint.String
expires_inNumber of seconds since the authentication request was received until the auth_req_id expires.Number
linkAuthentication link to display to the end user. Returned as part of a direct link flow.String
intervalPolling request interval in seconds. Returned as part of a direct link flow with a value of 1.Number

Note: By default, links expire after 30 minutes. To change this, contact your Transmit representative to enable a preview feature where the expiration time can be set on the Application's settings page in the Admin Portal.

Response Example

Here's an example of an /authorize_ciba response for an SMS authentication or transaction flow:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
"auth_req_id": "1c266114-a1be-4252-8ad1-04986c5b9ac1",
"expires_in": 120

Here's an example of an /authorize_ciba response for a direct link flow:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Cache-Control: no-store
"auth_req_id": "2540cdfd-2cab-4e15-b1fd-bd33306192f3",
"link": "",
"interval": 1,
"expires_in": 1800


For error responses returned by a failed CIBA authentication request, see the OIDC CIBA specification - Section 13