User Activity Logs API

Gets a list of activity logs (user flows and events) for the specified application.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a POST request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Parameters

A JSON object with these fields:

appIdRequired. The application's ID.String
pageSizeOptional. Maximum number of results per page. Maximum value is 5000.Number
userIdOptional. Retrieves activity logs only for the specified user ID.String
userAliasOptional. Retrieves activity logs only for the specified user alias.String
timeStartRequired. Time from which activity logs are retrieved (inclusive), in unix-epoch milliseconds.Number
timeEndRequired. Time to which activity logs are retrieved (exclusive), in unix-epoch milliseconds.Number
skipOptional. Determines the number of activity logs which are not retrieved, starting from the newest log. When the field is not specified, the value defaults to 0.Number
credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String

Request Example

POST /api/v1/mgmt/activity-logs
Authorization: Bearer q5fDE10-mlM4xEwl_UnhKjhvWOLHEbXqzJOYpGgxuB0
Content-Type: application/json
"appID": "a51ca710"
"credentialsId": "",
"timeStart": 23678686876,
"timEnd": 324987298347,
"userId": "127987-39487298374-1983791278"

Response Headers

The response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
activityLogsArray of objects containing user event information, where each object contains the events of one user flow.activityLogs[]
totalNumber of returned activity logs.Number

activityLogs Object

Field NameDescriptionType
accessingDeviceUser device details (OS type, OS version, browser type, and browser version).String
accessingDeviceInfoUser device details object.Object (see DeviceInfo)
accessingDeviceLocationLocation of the device used to start the flow, which can contain these fields: lat (string), lng (string), city (string), country (string), state (string), source (string, source of geolocation data).Object
accessingIpAccessing device's IP address.String
applicationIdApplication ID.String
authenticatingDeviceAuthenticating device details (OS type, OS version, browser type, and browser version).String
authenticatingDeviceInfoAuthenticating device details object.Object (See DeviceInfo)
authMethodTypeAuthentication method used in flow, which can be: fido2, email_otp, email_magic_link, or device_only.String
businessUnitBindID tenant ID.String
consentDecisionUser's consent decision, which can be: approve, use_mobile, reject, or failed_unexpectedly.String
desktopLoginDecisionDesktop login flow decision when no user is registered with the device, which can be: login or use_mobile.String
desktopTransactionDecisionDesktop transaction consent, which can be: approve, use_mobile, reject, or failed_unexpectedly.String
errorCodeAuthentication error, which can be: Consent_screen_rejected or auth_failure.String
eventsArray containing the flow's[]
failureReasonReason an authentication flow failed.String
flowTypeThe flow type, which can be: authentication, transaction, ciba, or enrollment.String
idActivity log flow ID.String
isNewAuthenticationDeviceForRPIndicates if this was the first time the user authenticated.Boolean
statusThe event's status, which can be: success, failure, suspected, blocked, enrollment, or incomplete.String
timestampTime the log was created, in unix-epoch milliseconds..Number
userAliasUser alias.String
userIdUser ID.String

events Object

Field NameDescriptionType
idEvent ID.String
payloadEvent details.payload
timestampTime the event was created, in unix-epoch milliseconds.Number

payload Object

Field NameDescriptionType
detailsThe flow's events details.Object (see details)
flowIdThe flow ID to which the event belongs.String

details Object

Field NameDescriptionType
actionThe action performed (see actions).String
clientIpThe client's IP address.String

Action Values

ama_account_switchingMobile account switched.
ama_consentMobile consent approved.
auth_completeAuthentication flow completed.
auth_native_completeNative device authentication completed.
auth_start_amaMobile consent flow started.
auth_start_nativeNative device authentication started.
auth_start_oidcOIDC authentication flow started.
biometric_verification_successBiometric verification succeeded.
custodian_registration_completedCustodian registration completed.
custodian_registration_startedCustodian registration started.
desktop_account_switchingDesktop account switched.
desktop_biometrics_registeredDesktop biometric registered.
desktop_consentDesktop consent approved.
desktop_login_pageDesktop login page loaded.
desktop_transaction_pageDesktop transaction page loaded.
device_authFIDO2 mobile authentication canceled of failed.
device_blocked_rejectionBlocked device rejected.
device_re_registerFIDO2 re-registered on mobile device.
device_recovery_completedDevice recovery completed.
device_recovery_skippedDevice recovery skipped.
device_recovery_startedDevice recovery started.
email_verification_failureEmail verification failed.
email_verification_successEmail verification completed.
enroll_native_completeNative device enrollment completed.
enroll_start_nativeNative device enrollment started.
magic_link_expiredMagic link expired.
new_device_registeredNew device registered.
new_qr_generatedQR code generated.
new_user_registeredNew user registered.
restricted_locationDevice in a restricted location.
rp_feedback_providedSession feedback provided.
sms_verification_failureSMS verification failed.
sms_verification_successSMS verification succeeded.
user_access_codeUser imputed access code.
user_scan_qrQR code scanned.
user_send_smsSMS code sent to user.

DeviceInfo Object

Field NameDescriptionType
osTypeOS type.String
osVersionOS version.String
browserTypeBrowser type.String
browserVersionBrowser version.String
detectedNameDevice name.String
aliasDevice alias.String

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"activityLogs": [
"userId": "ff060153-da0f-41d3-b318-7417e87ea4e8",
"isNewAuthenticationDeviceForRP": true,
"timestamp": 1655887325779,
"applicationId": "branding_preview_app",
"accessingDevice": "Mac OS 10.15.7, Chrome",
"accessingDeviceInfo": {
"osType": "Mac OS",
"osVersion": "10.15.7",
"browserType": "Chrome",
"browserVersion": ""
"status": "success",
"authenticatingDevice": "Mac OS 10.15.7, Chrome",
"authenticatingDeviceInfo": {
"osType": "Mac OS",
"osVersion": "10.15.7",
"browserType": "Chrome",
"browserVersion": ""
"accessingDeviceLocation": {
"lat": 32.0668,
"lng": 34.7649,
"city": "Tel Aviv",
"state": "Tel Aviv",
"country": "IL",
"source": "ip"
"id": "BID_52bb9f5d",
"authMethodType": "fido2",
"businessUnit": "tid_334a30ea",
"flowType": "authentication",
"accessingIp": "",
"desktopLoginDecision": "login",
"failureReason": "N/A",
"events": [
"id": "7dd7a069-6f20-4045-9090-695736498c74",
"timestamp": 1655887325817,
"payload": {
"flowId": "BID_52bb9f5d",
"details": {
"action2": "auth_start_oidc",
"client_ip": ""
"id": "b2577cda-a7ab-464f-a8f3-d49e40fc65f5",
"timestamp": 1655887326966,
"payload": {
"flowId": "BID_52bb9f5d",
"details": {
"action2": "desktop_login_page",
"client_ip": ""
"id": "d1e05923-f14d-42d2-a7f5-55f78b6150bd",
"timestamp": 1655887333318,
"payload": {
"flowId": "BID_52bb9f5d",
"details": {
"action2": "desktop_login_page",
"client_ip": ""
"id": "faf1d834-2322-489f-afb8-ee6a71e14821",
"timestamp": 1655887336972,
"payload": {
"flowId": "BID_52bb9f5d",
"details": {
"action2": "biometric_verification_success",
"client_ip": ""
"id": "0c5cf169-5bda-4104-86e6-7f3b6e22a01b",
"timestamp": 1655887337533,
"payload": {
"flowId": "BID_52bb9f5d",
"details": {
"action2": "auth_complete",
"client_ip": ""
"total": 1