Device Management APIs

You can use these APIs to manage your users' devices, such as retrieving all authenticating devices for a user as well as blocking and unblocking specific devices.

Get User Devices API

Gets a list of authenticated devices for the specified application and user.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a GET request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Parameters

appIdRequired. ID of the application for which you want to retrieve authenticating devices.String
credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String
userIdRequired. ID of the user whose devices you want to retrieve (the sub field returned in the claim of the ID token).String

Request Example

GET /api/v1/mgmt/users/device-list?
Authorization: Bearer q5fDE10-mlM4xEwl_UnhKjhvWOLHEbXqzJOYpGgxuB0

Response Headers

The response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
dataJSON object containing authenticated devices, only returned when the value of status is
statusIndicates call success or failure.String

data Object

Field NameDescriptionType
devicesArray containing authenticated device details.Array of devices objects

devices Object

Field NameDescriptionType
blockedIndicates whether the device is blocked (cannot be used for authentication).Boolean
device_idThe device's ID.String
device_modelThe device model or the authenticated web browser version.String
os_typeThe device's OS.String
os_versionThe device's OS version.String
first_seen_by_RPThe first time the device was used to authenticate the specified user for the specified application, in unix-epoch milliseconds.Number
last_seen_by_RPThe last time the device was used to authenticate the specified user for the specified application, in unix-epoch milliseconds.Number
registration_time_by_networkThe first time the device used BindID to authenticate, which can be: LAST_24_HOURS, LAST_7_DAYS, LAST_28_DAYS, or OVER_28_DAYS.String
last_seen_by_networkThe last time the device used BindID to authenticate, which can be: LAST_24_HOURS, LAST_7_DAYS, LAST_28_DAYS, or OVER_28_DAYS.String

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"data": {
"devices": [
"device_id": "616310bf-a228-47dd-81e9-2a4709e576c3",
"os_type": "Mac OS",
"os_version": "10.15.7",
"device_model": "Chrome 96.0.4664.93",
"last_seen_by_network": "LAST_24_HOURS",
"registration_time_by_network": "LAST_7_DAYS",
"blocked": false,
"first_seen_by_RP": 1640331251285,
"last_seen_by_RP": 1642664161716
"device_id": "f1168610-01fa-4e82-b9c3-061a9562bcea",
"os_type": "Mac OS",
"os_version": "10.15.7",
"device_model": "Safari 15.0",
"last_seen_by_network": "LAST_24_HOURS",
"registration_time_by_network": "LAST_7_DAYS",
"blocked": true,
"first_seen_by_RP": 1641108964392,
"last_seen_by_RP": 1641134164941
"status": "success"


In addition to the common errors (see Introduction), the following error response code may be returned as part of a 4xx status response:

Status CodeResponse CodeDescription
400app_not_foundThe specified application cannot be found.
403user_not_foundThe specified user cannot be found.

Block User Device API

Blocks the specified device, which prevents the user from authenticating with that device.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a POST request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Body

A JSON object with these fields:

deviceIdRequired. The ID of the device you want to block.String
credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String
userIdRequired. The ID of the user whose device you want to block (the sub field returned in the claim of the ID token).String

Request Example

POST /api/v1/mgmt/users/block-device
Authorization: Bearer k_lONS-upqKzUx_UWpmJBIiybpf2ZyEkmBTcUYkvSEI
Content-Type: application/json
"userId": "4a42b9d6-6810-4caf-abc2-3a55fdeaa266",
"credentialsId": "",
"deviceId": "f1168610-01fa-4e82-b9c3-061a9562bcea"

Response Headers

The POST response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
statusIndicates call success or failure.String

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success"


In addition to the common errors (see Introduction), the following error response codes may be returned as part of a 4xx status response:

Status CodeResponse CodeDescription
409already_blockedThe specified device is already blocked.
403user_not_foundThe specified user cannot be found.

Block All User Devices API

Blocks all the specified user's devices, which prevents the user from authenticating with any of their devices.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a POST request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Body

A JSON object with these fields:

credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String
userIdRequired. The ID of the user whose devices you want to block (the sub field returned in the claim of the ID token).String

Request Example

POST /api/v1/mgmt/users/block-all-devices
Authorization: Bearer k_lONS-upqKzUx_UWpmJBIiybpf2ZyEkmBTcUYkvSEI
Content-Type: application/json
"userId": "4a42b9d6-6810-4caf-abc2-3a55fdeaa266",
"credentialsId": ""

Response Headers

The POST response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
statusIndicates call success or failure.String

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success"


In addition to the common errors (see Introduction), the following error response code may be returned as part of a 4xx status response:

Status CodeResponse CodeDescription
403user_not_foundThe specified user cannot be found.

Unblock User Device API

Unblocks the specified device, which allows the user to authenticate with that device.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a POST request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Body

A JSON object with these fields:

deviceIdRequired. The ID of the device you want to unblock.String
credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String
userIdRequired. The ID of the user whose device you want to unblock (the sub field returned in the claim of the ID token).String

Request Example

POST /api/v1/mgmt/users/unblock-device
Authorization: Bearer k_lONS-upqKzUx_UWpmJBIiybpf2ZyEkmBTcUYkvSEI
Content-Type: application/json
"userId": "4a42b9d6-6810-4caf-abc2-3a55fdeaa266",
"credentialsId": "",
"deviceId": "f1168610-01fa-4e82-b9c3-061a9562bcea"

Response Headers

The POST response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
statusIndicates call success or failure.String

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success"


In addition to the common errors (see Introduction), the following error response codes may be returned as part of a 4xx status response:

Status CodeResponse CodeDescription
409already_unblockedThe specified device is already unblocked.
403user_not_foundThe specified user cannot be found.

Unblock All User Devices API

Unblocks all the specified user's devices, which allows the user to authenticate with any of their registered devices.

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a POST request to the following endpoint:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Body

A JSON object with these fields:

credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String
userIdRequired. The ID of the user whose devices you want to unblock (the sub field returned in the claim of the ID token).String

Request Example

POST /api/v1/mgmt/users/unblock-all-devices
Authorization: Bearer k_lONS-upqKzUx_UWpmJBIiybpf2ZyEkmBTcUYkvSEI
Content-Type: application/json
"userId": "4a42b9d6-6810-4caf-abc2-3a55fdeaa266",
"credentialsId": ""

Response Headers

The POST response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
statusIndicates call success or failure.String

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success"


In addition to the common errors (see Introduction), the following error response code may be returned as part of a 4xx status response:

Status CodeResponse CodeDescription
403user_not_foundThe specified user cannot be found.