Remove user API

Removes the specified user from an application or tenant. When users are removed, their associations with applications are removed, such as their alias, ACR values, and all custom user data. Removed users are not deleted from BindID, but if they reauthenticate they are considered to be new users for your application (although they will retain their original user ID).

HTTP Request

The API is invoked as a DELETE request to the following endpoint:



  • <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:
    • Sandbox:
    • Production:
    • Production EU:
  • <userIdentifier> is the ID of the user that will be removed (either user ID or alias, see below).

Request Header

Header NameValue
AuthorizationA valid bearer token (see Token API)

Request Parameters

The following URL parameters:

userIdentifierTypeRequired. Indicates whether the userIdentifier corresponds to the user_id (the sub field returned in the claim of the ID token) or alias (as set in a Session Feedback API call).String
scopeRequired. Must be one of the following: tenant, the user is removed from the tenant (all apps); app, the user is removed from a specific app.String
appIdThe ID of the application from which the user is removed, required when scope is set to app.String
credentialsIdRequired. API credentials ID used to create the access token that authorizes this request.String

Request Example

DELETE /api/v1/mgmt/users/98c5f862-1319-4de2-8e9b-94a6629eddfb?
Authorization: Bearer q5fDE10-mlM4xEwl_UnhKjhvWOLHEbXqzJOYpGgxuB0

Response Headers

The response includes this HTTP header:

Header NameValue

Response Body

The JSON object in the body has the following structure:

Field NameDescriptionType
statusIndicates call success or failure.String
errorObject describing the error, only returned when the call failed (see Failures).Object

Response Example

HTTP/2 200
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "success"


In addition to the common errors (see Introduction), the following error response codes may be returned as part of a 4xx status response:

Status CodeResponse CodeDescription
400N/AInvalid request structure.
400invalid_scopeThe scope was incorrectly defined.
400missing_appIdThe appId was not specified when scope was set to app.
400invalid_userIdentifierTypeThe userIdentifierType was incorrectly defined.
403user_not_foundThe specified user cannot be found.