UserInfo API

The BindID Service exposes an HTTP OIDC /userinfo endpoint defined by the OIDC standard, which can be used to retrieve information about the authenticated user. A successful response is an HTTP 200 response containing user information, which depends on the scopes requested for the access token.

HTTP Request

The OIDC /userinfo endpoint supports both POST and GET requests. It is available on the BindID Service at:


where <host-name> has the following value depending on the environment:

  • Sandbox:
  • Production:
  • Production EU:

Request Headers

The request must include the following HTTP header:

Header NameDescription
AuthorizationIncludes authorization for API access. The value should have the following form: Bearer <accesstoken> where <accesstoken> is the access token associated with the request.

Request Example

GET /userinfo HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer f3uv87HG87

Response Headers

The response includes the following HTTP headers:

Header NameDescription
Content-TypeReturns application/json

Response Body

The JSON object in the body contains the fields described below, which may vary depending on the requested scope for the access token:

Standard Claims

The following claims are always included in userinfo response, as per the OIDC standard:

Claim IDDescriptionType
subExternal User ID (ExtUID) assigned to the authenticated user, which is shared across all service providers. The ExtUID is structured as a UUID.String
auth_timeTime when authentication completed, as a unix-epoch encoded timestamp in seconds.Number
nonceNonce value provided to the authentication request.String
acrACR values computed for this authentication process, formatted as a space-delimited string.String
amrAMR values computed for this authentication process.Array of Strings

The following ACR values may be returned in the userinfo response after a successful authentication:

ts.bindid.app_bound_credAuthenticator used is bound to Client Application authentication (based on a previous session feedback request for this Client Application).
ts.bindid.iac.emailAuthentication used an authenticator that is associated with a Verified Email Address.
ts.bindid.iac.phone_numberAuthentication used an authenticator that is associated with a Verified Mobile Phone.

The following AMR values may be returned in the userinfo response after a successful authentication:

ts.bind_id.amaMobile authentication was used in the authentication process. If included, the other AMR values will correspond to the mobile authentication.
ts.bind_id.mfcaMulti-factor cryptographic authenticator (e.g., FIDO2) was used.
ts.bind_id.email_otpEmail verification code (OTP) was used (e.g., for new user registration). For a known device, this was the fallback authentication method since no multi-factor cryptographic authenticator (e.g., FIDO2) was available.
ts.bind_id.email_magic_linkEmail verification link was used. This was the fallback authentication method since no multi-factor cryptographic authenticator (e.g., FIDO2) was available.
ts.bind_id.deviceBound or fingerprinted device was used (e.g., mobile approval). This was the fallback authentication method since no multi-factor cryptographic authenticator (e.g., FIDO2) was available.

For example:

"sub": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426652340000",
"auth_time": 1605180698,
"nonce": "n-077-RsA2Kh",
"acr":" ts.bindid.iac.phone_number",
"amr": ["ts.bind_id.ama", "ts.bind_id.mfca"],

BindID Info Claims

The following claim encapsulates BindID-specific information based on the context of the current login, and is always returned.

Claim IDDescriptionType
bindid_infoObject containing BindID-specific information related to the devices and client applications associated with the current authentication.Object

Structure of each bindid_info object:

originating_deviceDevice information object containing information corresponding to the device that initiated the login.Object
authenticating_deviceDevice information object containing information corresponding to the device used to authenticate.Object
capp_last_loginTime of the previous login to the Client Application by the BindID user, as a unix-epoch encoded timestamp in seconds.Number
capp_last_login_from_authenticating_deviceTime of the previous login to the Client Application by the BindID user from the current authenticating device, as a unix-epoch encoded timestamp in seconds.Number
capp_first_loginTime of the first login to the Client Application by the BindID user, as a unix-epoch encoded timestamp in seconds.Number
capp_first_confirmed_loginTime of the first login to the Client Application by the BindID user, for which a /session-feedback request was sent to confirm the login. This is only returned upon the next login after it was confirmed for this Client Application. The time is formatted as a unix-epoch encoded timestamp in seconds.Number
capp_first_login_from_authenticating_deviceTime of the first login to the Client Application by the BindID user from the current authenticating device, as a unix-epoch encoded timestamp in seconds.Number

Structure of each device information object (e.g., in the originating_device claim):

os_typeOS type of the device.String
os_versionOS version of the device.String
browser_typeType of browser used, if relevant.String
browser_versionVersion of browser used, if relevant.String

For example:

"bindid_info": {
"capp_first_login_from_authenticating_device": 1605180500,
"authenticating_device": {
"browser_type": "Mobile",
"os_type": "iOS",
"os_version": "14.1",
"browser_version": "Safari"
"capp_last_login_from_authenticating_device": 1605180574,
"capp_last_login": 1605180577,
"capp_first_login": 1605180504,
"capp_first_confirmed_login": 1605180577,
"originating_device": {
"browser_type": "Chrome",
"os_type": "Mac OS",
"os_version": "10.15.7",
"browser_version": "86.0.4240.183"

Feedback Claims

The following claims are included based on the Service Provider feedback, in addition to the ts.bindid.app_bound_cred ACR value described above.

Claim IDDescriptionType
bindid_aliasAlias for this user for the Client Application, provided by the Service Provider via /session-feedback API.String

For example:

"bindid_alias": "username@domain"

Email Scope Claims

The following claims are included in the response if the email scope is passed in the authentication request, and this info is available for the user:

Claim IDDescriptionType
emailEmail address verified for this user.String
email_verifiedTrue if the email address was verified (e.g., by email OTP); false otherwise.Boolean
email_last_updateTime frame in which the email address was last verified (counted per UTC timezone). Options are: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 28 days, and Over 28 days ago.String

For example:

"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"email_last_update": "Over 28 days ago"

Phone Claims

The following claims are included in the response if the phone scope is passed in the authentication request, and this info is available for the user:

Claim IDDescriptionType
phone_numberMobile phone number verified for this user.String
phone_number_verifiedTrue if the mobile phone number was verified (e.g., by SMS OTP); false otherwise.Boolean
phone_number_last_updateTime frame in which the mobile phone number was last verified (counted per UTC timezone). Options are: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 28 days, and Over 28 days ago.String

For example:

"phone_number": "+12125556789",
"phone_number_verified": true,
"phone_number_last_update": "Over 28 days ago"

BindID Network Scope Claims

The following claims are included in the userinfo response if the bindid_network_info scope is passed in the authentication request:

Claim IDDescriptionType
bindid_network_infoObject containing BindID-specific information related to the user and device collected in the context of all service providers integrated with BindID.Object

Structure of each bindid_network_info object:

device_countNumber of devices registered for this BindID user.Number
user_registration_timeTime frame in which the user registered to BindID (counted per UTC timezone). Options are: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 28 days, and Over 28 days ago.String
authenticating_device_registration_timeTime frame in which the authenticating device was registered to BindID (counted per UTC timezone). Options are: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 28 days, and Over 28 days ago. This device corresponds to the mobile device for appless mobile authentication; otherwise, it corresponds to the computer.String
confirmed_capp_countCount of distinct Client Applications that have confirmed this BindID user.Number
user_last_seenTime frame in which the previous BindID flow was completed for the user, across all service providers (counted per UTC timezone). Options are: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 28 days, and Over 28 days ago.String
authenticating_device_last_seenTime frame in which the previous BindID flow was completed for the user using the current authenticating device across all service providers (counted per UTC timezone). Options are: Last 24 hours, Last 7 days, Last 28 days, and Over 28 days ago.String

For example:

"bindid_network_info": {
"user_registration_time": "Over 28 days ago",
"authenticating_device_registration_time": "Over 28 days ago",
"authenticating_device_last_seen": "Over 28 days ago",
"user_last_seen": "Over 28 days ago",
"confirmed_capp_count": 1,
"device_count": 2

Response Example

Here’s a complete example of the userinfo response:

"sub": "123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426652340000",
"auth_time": 1605180698,
"nonce": "n-077-RsA2Kh",
"acr": " ts.bindid.iac.phone_number",
"amr": ["ts.bind_id.ama", "ts.bind_id.mfca"],
"bindid_alias": "username@domain",
"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"email_last_update": "Over 28 days ago",
"phone_number": "+12125556789",
"phone_number_verified": true,
"phone_number_last_update": "Over 28 days ago",
"bindid_info": {
"capp_first_login_from_authenticating_device": 1605180500,
"authenticating_device": {
"browser_type": "Mobile",
"os_type": "iOS",
"os_version": "14.1",
"browser_version": "Safari"
"capp_last_login_from_authenticating_device": 1605180574,
"capp_last_login": 1605180577,
"capp_first_login": 1605180504,
"capp_first_confirmed_login": 1605180577,
"originating_device": {
"browser_type": "Chrome",
"os_type": "Mac OS",
"os_version": "10.15.7",
"browser_version": "86.0.4240.183"
"bindid_network_info": {
"user_registration_time": "Over 28 days ago",
"authenticating_device_registration_time": "Over 28 days ago",
"authenticating_device_last_seen": "Over 28 days ago",
"user_last_seen": "Over 28 days ago",
"confirmed_capp_count": 1,
"device_count": 2


For error responses returned by the UserInfo endpoint, see the OIDC specification - Section 5.3.3